Is it true that 99% of Adult Film Stars have herpes? - belladonna, adult film
I just read this on a blog site for Adult Film Star Belladonna. She said she has herpes and about 99% of the porn star. Is that true?
Is it true that 99% of Adult Film Stars have herpes? - belladonna, adult film
I just read this on a blog site for Adult Film Star Belladonna. She said she has herpes and about 99% of the porn star. Is that true?
The only way to know whether this is true, would conduct a scientific study .... More likely not needed based off of confidential information provided by organizations like the Medical Foundation for the adult industry health - which requires the consent of the patient.
Or the porn industry would be included in this study.
And it is very unlikely.
The good news is that herpes is not as common as HPV - I believe that HPV tend to affect 99% of performers in the porn industry. HPV is on the rise - is Google, and check the news sources. HPV is a sneaky bastard.
Herpes, on the other side, also on the rise - but I doubt that 99% of the porn stars have.
None of these STDs are horrible life-threatening if properly supervised. Some types of HPV can cause cervical, vaginal, penis and / or anal cancer, however.
We hope this helps answer your question. If you are looking for other sexually transmitted diseases, access points, the hosts are notable sources of good reputation, like, and others.
***** There are so many things I could write here - it's not good for me Leaving, then I leave a lot of links if you want more information .*****
I hope not. They are thoroughly tested, but who knows what happened between then. Contract could then be tested. My answer is that it could be.
likely. hahah. :]
Theres really no problem because there is no real test for herpes and about 1 / 5 of North America, IT and 90 percent do not know what to do ...
Type IM on both sides of this issue. If this is true, because that would sex with men are so small and can easily be passed on. I can not be the case because they are professional and get tested
ansew thats total crap is not.
not that I have read and heard. should be tested regularly enough for you. Many people have herpes ... had a cold sore before? Chickenpox? but this is not the same as genital herpes.
Not true, though, most of them at least a standard
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