Sunday, January 10, 2010

Checking Account Promotions How Can I Unsubscribe From Promotions I Checked When I Set Up My Yahoo E-mail Account?

How can I unsubscribe from promotions I checked when I set up my Yahoo e-mail account? - checking account promotions

When I connect my Yahoo account I was offered a number of fields to receive information on - I have applied for finance and health. You will now receive about 50 spam messages per day for Viagra - how can I find the list?


icman87 said...

Yes, it is probably spam. Just for reference, but you can change this setting, go to "My Account" under the Information member is editing a link "Marketing Preferences. Click, and you can change your options and click Save.

icman87 said...

Yes, it is probably spam. Just for reference, but you can change this setting, go to "My Account" under the Information member is editing a link "Marketing Preferences. Click, and you can change your options and click Save.

HomSupLo... said...

In fact, it is probably spam, and nothing to do with the information from Yahoo, you have asked to receive. Whenever I have something from Yahoo while Yahoo shows comeing emails and not just random.

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